Intelligent constant temperature
All year round, the temperature sensor will run cooling mode or heating mode intelligently according to indoor temperature as long as you set the comfortable temperature of human body. Therefore, the temperature of your swimming pool is comfortable, neither hot nor cold.
Intelligent constant humidity
All year round, the temperature sensor will run humidification mode intelligently according to indoor humidity as long as you set the comfortable humidity of human body. Therefore, the humidity of your room is comfortable, neither dry nor damp.
Intelligent bionic
We have the unique intelligent control system, integrating advanced fresh air system. Harmful gases emission, such as formaldehyde, chlorine, smog are achieved whereby air quality sensor. Meanwhile, the same amount of fresh air after triple efficient filtration is blew into, making the swimming pool environment close to the original ecology.
Reasonable and evenly air-flow organization
The way of indoor equipment follows “blowing from above, returning from below”, making the air-flow organization reasonable, and temperature field evenly. With the air-flow rate reaching the international comfortable standard of 0.3 m/s, human body does not have a sense of blowing, realizing the state of “moisten things silently”.
ZIBON家居气候 系统独特设计功能,能随时如贴身侍从一样感应着使用者身边的环境,从而避免了一般泳池空间内温湿度场不均匀导致的忽冷忽热的不舒适感。
Carry-on function
Enjoying unique design features, ZIBON home climate system can make reaction to the environment around the users, performing as personal attendant. Thus, it avoids the discomfort (sometimes hot, sometimes cold) caused by the uneven temperature and humidity in the general air-conditioner room.
Two-channel fresh air device with recovering energy
ZIBON home climate system adheres to the concept of energy-saving and low-carbon. The adoption of energy recovery device makes the indoor air and outdoor air exchange simultaneously during the exchanging process, with energy exchange rate reaching to over 70%.
Using of R407C efficient environmental refrigerant
ZIBON swimming pool system uses R407C environmental refrigerant that does not destroy the earth's ozone layer, improving energy efficiency of system.
High quality core components
For the main core components of ZIBON swimming pool, we use international renowned brands that are reliable in quality, excellent in performance.
Remote intelligent control
ZIBON swimming pool climate system connects to smart phones, tablet computers and intelligent monitoring upper monitor through WIFI wireless communication technology and 485 interface technology, realizing remote monitoring.
ZIBON 是一家专业温湿控设备制造商,十余载特种空调行业的领跑者,专业从事双冷源新风除湿机、变频冷暖空气源、变频热回收冷暖空气源、双冷源新风除湿机、被动房新风空调、泳池恒温恒湿空调机组、泳池热泵热水机组、变频屋顶空调、变频直膨空调、变频新风空调、档案馆专用节能型变频恒温恒湿空调、净化恒温恒湿空调、新排风冷凝热回收新风机、变频新排风冷凝热回收新风除湿空调、全新风除湿净化一体机、酒窖空调、机房空调、恒温恒湿空调、 转轮除湿机、工业除湿系统、高精度恒温恒湿空调、高温空调、高温除湿机等特种空调产品 的研发、设计、制造一站式解决方案服务商。