ZIBON Constant temperature. The control range is kept at 13-18℃ (adjustable), where the temperature control accuracy of ±1℃. According to the users' requirements, the accuracy can reach to ±0.5℃. In addition, the range of humidity control is of 60-70% (adjustable), achieving the humidity control accuracy 5%.
Environmental refrigerant. Environmental refrigerant with higher refrigeration and warming efficiency is stable and non-toxic, presenting the effect of comfortability and environmental protection.
Convenient cleaning. The humanized design makes users clean the inner machine of the air-conditioner more convenient and effective so that the daily maintenance of the air-conditioner becomes more convenient and worry-saving.
Security and energy conservation. High-tech energy-saving technology effectively controls the efficient operation of air-conditioner and outside machine, reducing energy consumption.
Intelligent control. With high-end intelligent control system, users can control temperature and humidity anytime and anywhere. Seeing with half an eye, users can operate the equipment easily.
ZIBON 是一家专业温湿控设备制造商,十余载特种空调行业的领跑者,专业从事双冷源新风除湿机、变频冷暖空气源、变频热回收冷暖空气源、双冷源新风除湿机、被动房新风空调、泳池恒温恒湿空调机组、泳池热泵热水机组、变频屋顶空调、变频直膨空调、变频新风空调、档案馆专用节能型变频恒温恒湿空调、净化恒温恒湿空调、新排风冷凝热回收新风机、变频新排风冷凝热回收新风除湿空调、全新风除湿净化一体机、酒窖空调、机房空调、恒温恒湿空调、 转轮除湿机、工业除湿系统、高精度恒温恒湿空调、高温空调、高温除湿机等特种空调产品 的研发、设计、制造一站式解决方案服务商。